Author: Nicky Ellis
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There are several things you can do to prevent night sweats from ruining your sleep: lowering the thermostat, buying a cooling pad, getting cool linen sheets, using a room …
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A clic clac sofa bed is called so because of the click-clack sounds it makes when you adjust its position. If you host guests a lot but don’t have …
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If you check the fine print in most mattress warranties, one of the common conditions included is that stains and other kinds of damage on the mattress will void …
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There are many causes of night sweats from infections to menopause to weather. Whatever the cause, they are uncomfortable and make your nights restless. Sleeping on a heat-retaining pillow …
Duvets are classified mostly based on the type of filling. When you are shopping for a new duvet, you’ll come across fibre, feather and wool duvet among other options. …
Natural fabrics like cotton, silk and wool are the best for people who sleep hot or experience night sweats. They are better than synthetic fabrics such as polyester. So …
Scoliosis is the abnormal leftwards or rightwards curvature of the spine. It occurs often in children and adolescents but can also affect adults. If you have scoliosis, it’s important …
Maybe you are tired of your old microfiber or buckwheat pillow or you are just looking for a new pillow that feels comfortable. There are various types of pillows …
What you eat, and drink, just before bed affects the quality of your sleep. Not surprisingly, unhealthy foods with loads of refined sugar are bad for your sleep. They …
Having plants in the bedroom might seem like an obviously good thing. After all, they are pretty and add life. But what you think makes your bedroom a Zen …